Listen. Listen to what your colleagues are saying, listen to what your prospects are saying, listen to what your customers are saying; by taking the time to listen to their concerns and needs, jointly we can create solutions and strategies that resolve what they need.
Doug Depies
For May we are leaving our main offices in India to get to know one of our foreign employees working for Eclat Engineering. Doug Depies is the Business Development Manager for Latin America. Doug’s story of joining the Eclat team has a bit of a crazy beginning, connect with him and you can start to see some of the passions Doug has in his life. We conducted this short interview with him, to get to know him a bit more, but reach out if you’d like to know more about his region, life, or anything in specific.
How long have you been working at Eclat Engineering?
I started with Eclat Engineering in September of 2019. After meeting Jatin and Amit during a whirlwind visit to the region, shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic turned everything upside down.
What does your job entail?
I fulfill a few different roles for Eclat, my two primary responsibilities are Business Development Manager for Latin America and also in charge of Global Marketing.
What do you like most about your job?
I absolutely love the international aspect of the work and the connections that are made on a daily basis. On any given day I may be meeting with the team in India, partners, and customers in Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and a handful of other countries. I love helping people in many different ways and being able to work with libraries all over the world and resolve some of their most pressing issues at the moment is always gratifying work.
What brought you to Eclat Engineering?
I was presented with the opportunity to join Eclat in the fall of 2019 when our CEO Jatin and colleague Amit were in Mexico visiting for a conference. We discussed the need for an in-country contact to work with existing channel partners and expand the reach of both RemoteXs and MyLOFT in the region, the networking and training side of the position was a natural fit for me and I let them know that I was up for the challenge.
What is the best career lesson you´ve learned so far?
Listen. Listen to what your colleagues are saying, listen to what your prospects are saying, listen to what your customers are saying; by taking the time to listen to their concerns and needs, jointly we can create solutions and strategies that resolve what they need. There is a vast difference between pushing a product on someone because you think it is what they need, rather than taking the time to listen to them and understand how the solution you hold can be used in the proper way to resolve their need.
What do you like to do when you are not working?

Outside of work, you’ll most likely find my wife and I either, biking, swimming, running, or resting. We are both very active triathletes, training 6 days a week. In 2021 I completed my first 70.3 Ironman in Cozumel, Mexico. This year my big goal is to complete an ultra-marathon (50km) in the mountains of Mexico. Most weeks I will ride around 250 km and run anywhere between 50-80 km. So if we aren’t working or training, we are most likely resting from all of the above.
What is a fun fact about you that many people may not know?
After my first attempt at university after high school, I took 2.5 years away from school to volunteer in Mexico, Nicaragua, and Palestine. When I returned to university, I majored in Community Education after seeing the need for education in its different formats for youth all over the world. This passion for non-profit work has stayed with me as I continue to support organizations all around the world working to provide clean water to those in need.
What do you like the most about Eclat?
Two things stand out to me the most. First, is the forward-thinking and creative mindset that the team has. From the start I could see that Eclat does things a bit differently, good ideas can come from anywhere and are always accepted. Whether it’s the sales team offering ideas about the next technical development for our products, or our DevOps team refining our marketing strategies to improve as a company.
Secondly, the focus on the human side of each team member. Although we have colleagues all over the world and in different time zones, there is always respect for each other and their personal needs. One example I’d like to share happened a few months ago during a meeting with our CEO Jatin Baraiya, because of the time zone differences, sometimes I have 6 am or 5:30 am meetings to start the day, on this specific day we had started at 6 am and the meeting, while very productive, started to extend past the scheduled time. Jatin knowing that I had a long run to complete that day and also that the day was only getting hotter here, made sure that we wrapped up the meeting in a timely manner, knowing that the remaining details could be covered through emails and thus ensuring I could get my training in before the business day started in my region and also before it got unbearably hot here.
How has the experience been working remotely with the Eclat team?
Like most of my colleagues in this growing company, remote work is the only work we know. Zoom and Google Meet have been an integral part of day-to-day communication and have allowed us to stay connected and work together on common goals although we are thousands of miles apart.
Doug can be found on LinkedIn here.
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