Librarian Spotlight – Ms. Sabeena – Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Chaitra Nair

Q1. Can you share some glimpses of your background and journey towards librarianship? 

I was introduced to librarianship while an undergraduate student at University of Kashmir, J&K pursuing a completely  unrelated career path by chance/accident. As a fresher, I was new to the University experience and frankly new to job  searching. As months and semesters passed, I soon felt a sense of belonging as I became acquainted with the library profession. A  few months after obtaining my degree, I applied against library position advertised by SKIMS almost 35 years ago. Fortunately, I got  selected and since then never looked back and Alhamdulillah, presently I am the Head of the Library Department at Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Q2. What would you consider the most rewarding parts of your job? 

Hard work and dedication. 

Q3. Many libraries are embracing technology and innovative services these days; can you share about any recent technological  implementations or digital initiatives your library has undertaken? 

In the digital era Libraries are needed more than ever before, as they always strive to meet both the ends by making  globally present information accessible to the globally present users. The Internet enables everyone to visit a library without  leaving his/her home in order to get his/her book/information. SKIMS have a very rich e- library and with RemoteXS facility our  users are able to access all the e recourses through single window, anytime and from anywhere. 

Q4. Can you share one aspect of librarianship that is particular to your country or geographic region?

Education and Research in Librarianship. 

Q5. How do you stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in library science and how do you incorporate these insights in  our daily work.? 

Through different online platforms and by joining various Library professional groups and later incorporating the same in  my daily work as per need. 

Q6. What are the few challenges a librarian face in the career and how have you overcome those? 

1) Technological Advancements and Digitization : With the rise of e-books, online databases, and digital resources,  librarians must find ways to incorporate these digital elements into their collections and services. This shift also requires librarians to  continuously learn and develop new skills to effectively utilize technology in their work. 

2) Budget constraints and funding issues : Libraries heavily rely on government funding, and in recent years, there has been a  decrease in support from the government. This decrease in funding has forced librarians to find creative solutions to provide quality  library services with limited resources. It also affects the ability to develop innovative and emerging technologies that can benefit  users. 

3) Changing roles and responsibilities: Librarians are no longer just keepers of books; they have become community catalysts  and information guides. They are actively involved in outreach programs, advocate for literacy and education, and provide support to  various specialties. Technology provides tools to reach a wider audience, offer innovative services, and engage with communities  for mutual growth. 

In fact, being a librarian in the present scenario today is not without its obstacles. 

Technological advancements, budget constraints, and changing roles and responsibilities all pose challenges to librarians.

Q7. If you could take a trip right now to visit any library in the world, which would it be and why? 

National Medical Library, USA. To learn and explore the advanced technologies incorporated in the profession. 

Q8. How about your Hobbies or what would you like to do apart from official work.? 

Housekeeping, Gardening. Knitting and Reading.


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