How to highlight text?

Mobile App:  Web App: 

Written by MyLOFT Support Team
Last updated 2 months ago

Mobile App: 
  • Open a HTML or PDF article of your interest from “Recently Saved” section on the home page or “Collections” section on the tab bar at the bottom. Article opens in the in-app viewer.
  • Long press and drag over the desired portion of an article.
  • As soon as the selection is done, ( Highlight ) icon appears at the bottom of the screen. 
  • Click on highlight button given at the bottom to highlight the selected text.
Web App: 
  • Open a HTML article from “Recently Saved” section on the home page or “Collections” section from the sidebar. Article opens in the in-app viewer.
  • Select the desired portion of an article by clicking and dragging over the text.
  • As soon as the selection is done, ( Highlight ) icon appears at the end of selection. 
  • Click on it to highlight the selected text.

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